Special Issue on Representation Theory and Integrable Systems in honor of Vitaly Tarasov on the 60th birthday and Alexander Varchenko on the 70th birthday
The Guest Editors for this special issue are
Pavel Etingof (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Giovanni Felder (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Evgeny Mukhin (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, USA)
This special issue of SIGMA is created in honor of Vitaly Tarasov on his 60th birthday and Alexander Varchenko on his 70th birthday, to celebrate their outstanding contribution to mathematics and mathematical physics.
The volume consists of 13 papers for a total of 338 pages covering a wide range of topics in geometry, representation theory, and integrable systems.
We are grateful to all the authors who contributed to this volume and to the referees for providing constructive reviews. Many of the papers were reported at the corresponding conference held at ETH in Zurich, August 12–18, 2019. We thank all the speakers and the participants for contributing to the success of the conference.
The Guest Editors
Papers in this Issue:
An Introduction to Motivic Feynman Integrals
Claudia Rella
SIGMA 17 (2021), 032, 56 pages [ abs
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Twisted Traces and Positive Forms on Quantized Kleinian Singularities of Type A
Pavel Etingof, Daniil Klyuev, Eric Rains and Douglas Stryker
SIGMA 17 (2021), 029, 31 pages [ abs
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Quantum K-Theory of Grassmannians and Non-Abelian Localization
Alexander Givental and Xiaohan Yan
SIGMA 17 (2021), 018, 24 pages [ abs
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Harmonic Analysis in $d$-Dimensional Superconformal Field Theory
Ilija Burić
SIGMA 17 (2021), 007, 38 pages [ abs
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Quantum Groups for Restricted SOS Models
Giovanni Felder and Muze Ren
SIGMA 17 (2021), 005, 26 pages [ abs
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With Wronskian through the Looking Glass
Vassily Gorbounov and Vadim Schechtman
SIGMA 17 (2021), 001, 26 pages [ abs
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Representations of Quantum Affine Algebras in their $R$-Matrix Realization
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev
SIGMA 16 (2020), 145, 25 pages [ abs
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Extension Quiver for Lie Superalgebra $\mathfrak{q}(3)$
Nikolay Grantcharov and Vera Serganova
SIGMA 16 (2020), 141, 32 pages [ abs
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Perfect Integrability and Gaudin Models
Kang Lu
SIGMA 16 (2020), 132, 10 pages [ abs
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Yangian of the General Linear Lie Superalgebra
Maxim Nazarov
SIGMA 16 (2020), 112, 24 pages [ abs
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Duality for Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov and Dynamical Operators
Vitaly Tarasov and Filipp Uvarov
SIGMA 16 (2020), 035, 10 pages [ abs
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Three-Dimensional Mirror Self-Symmetry of the Cotangent Bundle of the Full Flag Variety
Richárd Rimányi, Andrey Smirnov, Alexander Varchenko and Zijun Zhou
SIGMA 15 (2019), 093, 22 pages [ abs
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Multiparameter Schur $Q$-Functions Are Solutions of the BKP Hierarchy
Natasha Rozhkovskaya
SIGMA 15 (2019), 065, 14 pages [ abs
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