Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 20 (2024), 066, 37 pages      arXiv:2307.16234
Contribution to the Special Issue on Differential Geometry Inspired by Mathematical Physics in honor of Jean-Pierre Bourguignon for his 75th birthday

Fragments of a History of the Concept of Ideal. Poncelet's and Chasles's Reflections on Generality in Geometry and their Impact on Kummer's Work with Ideal Divisors

Karine Chemla
Laboratoire SPHERE UMR 7219, Université Paris Cité, 27 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf, 75013 Paris, France

Received June 30, 2023, in final form June 27, 2024; Published online July 21, 2024

In this essay, I argue for the following theses. First, Kummer's concept of ''ideal prime factors of a complex number'' was inspired by Poncelet's introduction of ideal elements in geometry as well as by the reconceptualization that Michel Chasles put forward for them in 1837. In other words, the idea of ideal divisors in Kummer's ''theory of complex numbers'' derives from the introduction of ideal elements in the new geometry. This is where the term ''ideal'' comes from. Second, the introduction of ideal elements into geometry and the subsequent reconceptualization of what was in play with these elements were linked to philosophical reflections on generality that practitioners of geometry in France developed in the first half of the 19${}^{\rm th}$ century in order to devise a new approach to geometry, which would eventually become projective geometry. These philosophical reflections circulated as such and played a key part in the advance of other domains, including in Kummer's major innovation in the context of number theory.

Key words: Ernst Eduard Kummer; Jean-Victor Poncelet; Michel Chasles; projective geometry; cyclotomic fields; divisibility; ideality.

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