Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 19 (2023), 058, 29 pages      arXiv:2301.09364
Contribution to the Special Issue on Symmetry, Invariants, and their Applications in honor of Peter J. Olver

On Uniqueness of Submaximally Symmetric Vector Ordinary Differential Equations of C-Class

Johnson Allen Kessy and Dennis The
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 9037 Tromsø, Norway

Received April 07, 2023, in final form August 01, 2023; Published online August 10, 2023

The fundamental invariants for vector ODEs of order $\ge 3$ considered up to point transformations consist of generalized Wilczynski invariants and C-class invariants. An ODE of C-class is characterized by the vanishing of the former. For any fixed C-class invariant ${\mathcal U}$, we give a local (point) classification for all submaximally symmetric ODEs of C-class with ${\mathcal U} \not \equiv 0$ and all remaining C-class invariants vanishing identically. Our results yield generalizations of a well-known classical result for scalar ODEs due to Sophus Lie. Fundamental invariants correspond to the harmonic curvature of the associated Cartan geometry. A key new ingredient underlying our classification results is an advance concerning the harmonic theory associated with the structure of vector ODEs of C-class. Namely, for each irreducible C-class module, we provide an explicit identification of a lowest weight vector as a harmonic 2-cochain.

Key words: submaximal symmetry; system of ODEs; C-class equations; Cartan geometry.

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