SIGMA 18 (2022), 080, 21 pages arXiv:2102.09175
Connection Problem for an Extension of $q$-Hypergeometric Systems
Takahiko Nobukawa
Department of Mathematics, Kobe University, Rokko, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Received March 19, 2021, in final form October 14, 2022; Published online October 21, 2022
We give an example of solutions of the connection problem associated with a certain system of linear $q$-difference equations recently introduced by Park. The result contains a connection formulas of the $q$-Lauricella hypergeometric function $\varphi_{D}$ and those of the $q$-generalized hypergeometric function ${}_{N+1}\varphi_{N}$ as special cases.
Key words: $q$-difference equations; $q$-hypergeometric series; connection matrices; Yang-Baxter equation.
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