Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 17 (2021), 021, 34 pages      arXiv:1912.06067

Parameter Permutation Symmetry in Particle Systems and Random Polymers

Leonid Petrov ab
a) University of Virginia, Department of Mathematics, 141 Cabell Drive, Kerchof Hall, P.O. Box 400137, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
b) Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Bolshoy Karetny per. 19, Moscow, 127994, Russia

Received October 26, 2020, in final form February 20, 2021; Published online March 06, 2021

Many integrable stochastic particle systems in one space dimension (such as TASEP - totally asymmetric simple exclusion process - and its various deformations, with a notable exception of ASEP) remain integrable when we equip each particle $x_i$ with its own jump rate parameter $\nu_i$. It is a consequence of integrability that the distribution of each particle $x_n(t)$ in a system started from the step initial configuration depends on the parameters $\nu_j$, $j\le n$, in a symmetric way. A transposition $\nu_n \leftrightarrow \nu_{n+1}$ of the parameters thus affects only the distribution of $x_n(t)$. For $q$-Hahn TASEP and its degenerations ($q$-TASEP and directed beta polymer) we realize the transposition $\nu_n \leftrightarrow \nu_{n+1}$ as an explicit Markov swap operator acting on the single particle $x_n(t)$. For beta polymer, the swap operator can be interpreted as a simple modification of the lattice on which the polymer is considered. Our main tools are Markov duality and contour integral formulas for joint moments. In particular, our constructions lead to a continuous time Markov process $\mathsf{Q}^{(\mathsf{t})}$ preserving the time $\mathsf{t}$ distribution of the $q$-TASEP (with step initial configuration, where $\mathsf{t}\in \mathbb{R}_{>0}$ is fixed). The dual system is a certain transient modification of the stochastic $q$-Boson system. We identify asymptotic survival probabilities of this transient process with $q$-moments of the $q$-TASEP, and use this to show the convergence of the process $\mathsf{Q}^{(\mathsf{t})}$ with arbitrary initial data to its stationary distribution. Setting $q=0$, we recover the results about the usual TASEP established recently in [arXiv:1907.09155] by a different approach based on Gibbs ensembles of interlacing particles in two dimensions.

Key words: $q$-TASEP; stochastic $q$-Boson system; stationary distribution; coordinate Bethe ansatz; $q$-Hahn TASEP.

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