SIGMA 16 (2020), 013, 35 pages arXiv:1901.04166
Contribution to the Special Issue on Cluster Algebras
Cluster Structures and Subfans in Scattering Diagrams
Yan Zhou
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, China
Received July 24, 2019, in final form March 01, 2020; Published online March 11, 2020
We give more precise statements of Fock-Goncharov duality conjecture for cluster varieties parametrizing ${\rm SL}_{2}/{\rm PGL}_{2}$-local systems on the once punctured torus. Then we prove these statements. Along the way, using distinct subfans in the scattering diagram, we produce an example of a cluster variety with two non-equivalent cluster structures. To overcome the technical difficulty of infinite non-cluster wall-crossing in the scattering diagram, we introduce quiver folding into the machinery of scattering diagrams and give a quotient construction of scattering diagrams.
Key words: cluster varieties; Donaldson-Thomas transformations; Markov quiver; non-equivalent cluster structures; scattering diagrams; quiver folding.
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