SIGMA 7 (2011), 042, 20 pages arXiv:1011.6056
Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop “Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Design”
Potentials Unbounded Below
Thomas Curtright a, b
a) CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
b) Department of Physics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-8046, USA
Received December 21, 2010, in final form March 27, 2011; Published online April 26, 2011
Continuous interpolates are described for classical dynamical systems defined
by discrete time-steps. Functional conjugation methods play a central role
in obtaining the interpolations. The interpolates correspond to particle
motion in an underlying potential, V. Typically, V has no lower bound
and can exhibit switchbacks wherein V changes form when turning points are
encountered by the particle. The Beverton-Holt and Skellam models of
population dynamics, and particular cases of the logistic map are used to
illustrate these features.
Key words:
classical dynamical systems; functional conjugation methods; Beverton-Holt model; Skellam model.
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