SIGMA 7 (2011), 008, 16 pages arXiv:1010.4382
Contribution to the Proceedings of the International Workshop “Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems”
A Vertex Operator Approach for Form Factors of Belavin's (Z/nZ)-Symmetric Model and Its Application
Yas-Hiro Quano
Department of Clinical Engineering, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Kishioka-cho, Suzuka 510-0293, Japan
Received October 22, 2010, in final form January 07, 2011; Published online January 15, 2011
A vertex operator approach for form factors of
Belavin's (Z/nZ)-symmetric model is constructed
on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators
in the An−1(1) model and vertex-face transformation.
As simple application for n=2, we obtain expressions for
2m-point form factors related to
the σz and σx operators in
the eight-vertex model.
Key words:
vertex operator approach; form factors; Belavin's (Z/nZ)-symmetric model; integral formulae.
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