SIGMA 6 (2010), 075, 10 pages arXiv:1009.4764
Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop “Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Design”
Supersymmetrical Separation of Variables in Two-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics
Mikhail V. Ioffe
Saint-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, 198504 Russia
Received August 24, 2010, in final form September 19, 2010; Published online September 24, 2010
Two different approaches are formulated to analyze two-dimensional quantum models
which are not amenable to standard separation of variables.
Both methods are essentially based on supersymmetrical second order intertwining relations and
shape invariance - two main ingredients of the supersymmetrical quantum mechanics.
The first method explores the opportunity to separate variables in the supercharge,
and it allows to find a part of spectrum of the Schrödinger Hamiltonian.
The second method works when the standard separation of variables procedure
can be applied for one of the partner Hamiltonians. Then the spectrum and wave functions
of the second partner can be found. Both methods are illustrated by the example of two-dimensional
generalization of Morse potential for different values of parameters.
Key words:
supersymmetry; separation of variables; integrability; solvability.
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