SIGMA 6 (2010), 017, 22 pages arXiv:1002.1932
Contribution to the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Solitary Waves in Massive Nonlinear SN-Sigma Models
Alberto Alonso Izquierdo a, Miguel Ángel González León a and Marina de la Torre Mayado b
a) Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
b) Departamento de Física Fundamental, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Received December 07, 2009; Published online February 09, 2010
The solitary waves of massive (1+1)-dimensional
nonlinear SN-sigma models are unveiled. It is shown
that the solitary waves in these systems are in one-to-one correspondence with
the separatrix trajectories in the repulsive N-dimensional Neumann mechanical problem.
There are topological (heteroclinic trajectories) and non-topological (homoclinic trajectories)
kinks. The stability of some embedded sine-Gordon kinks is discussed by means of the
direct estimation of the spectra of the second-order fluctuation
operators around them, whereas the instability of other topological and
non-topological kinks is established applying the Morse index
Key words:
solitary waves; nonlinear sigma models.
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