SIGMA 1 (2005), 017, 9 pages math-ph/0511077
Subgroups of the Group of Generalized Lorentz Transformations and Their Geometric Invariants
George Bogoslovsky
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State
University, 119992 Moscow, Russia
Received October 06, 2005, in final form November
09, 2005; Published online November 15, 2005
It is shown that the group of generalized Lorentz
transformations serves as relativistic symmetry group of a flat
Finslerian event space. Being the generalization of Minkowski
space, the Finslerian event space arises from the spontaneous
breaking of initial gauge symmetry and from the formation of
anisotropic fermion-antifermion condensate. The principle of
generalized Lorentz invariance enables exact taking into account
the influence of condensate on the dynamics of fundamental
fields. In particular, the corresponding generalized Dirac
equation turns out to be nonlinear. We have found two noncompact
subgroups of the group of generalized Lorentz symmetry and their
geometric invariants. These subgroups play a key role in
constructing exact solutions of such equation.
Key words:
Lorentz, Poincaré and gauge invariance; spontaneous
symmetry breaking; Finslerian space-time.
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