SIGMA 1 (2005), 014, 9 pages math-ph/0511076
On Chaotic Dynamics in Rational Polygonal Billiards
Valery Kokshenev
Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Instituto de Ciencias Exatas, Caixa Postal 702, CEP 30123-970, Belo
Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Received June 23, 2005, in final form October 29, 2005;
Published online November 13, 2005
We discuss the interplay between the piece-line regular and
vertex-angle singular boundary effects, related to integrability and chaotic
features in rational polygonal billiards. The approach to controversial
issue of regular and irregular motion in polygons is taken within the
alternative deterministic and stochastic frameworks. The analysis is
developed in terms of the billiard-wall collision distribution and the
particle survival probability, simulated in closed and weakly open polygons,
respectively. In the multi-vertex polygons, the late-time wall-collision
events result in the circular-like regular periodic trajectories (sliding
orbits), which, in the open billiard case are likely transformed into the
surviving collective excitations (vortices). Having no topological analogy
with the regular orbits in the geometrically corresponding circular
billiard, sliding orbits and vortices are well distinguished in the weakly
open polygons via the universal and non-universal relaxation dynamics.
Key words:
polygons; hyperbolic systems with singularities; stochastic
system; chaotic dynamics; anomalous diffusion process.
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