SIGMA 1 (2005), 006, 14 pages math-ph/0508016
Structure of Symmetry Groups via Cartan's Method: Survey of Four Approaches
Oleg I. Morozov
Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 125993 Moscow, Russia
Received August 08, 2005, in final form September 29, 2005; Published online October 13, 2005
In this review article we discuss four recent methods for computing
Maurer-Cartan structure equations of symmetry groups of differential equations.
Examples include solution of the contact equivalence problem for linear hyperbolic
equations and finding a contact transformation between the generalized Hunter-Saxton
equation and the Euler-Poisson equation.
Key words:
Lie pseudo-groups; Maurer-Cartan forms; structure equations; symmetries of differential equations.
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